About Us
Looking for employment?
The Australian employment environment is fluid and vibrant, teeming with the most unique talent pool on earth.
Don’t just look – actively Hunt, seek it out and further your career better than ever before, in less time and with more rewards. Take charge of your future and secure a steady, reliable, ongoing stream of work, every single day of the year. Don’t wait for emails – speak in real time with real employers. Chat tonight;
start tomorrow.
Hunt is perfect for anyone looking for work: from banking and finance to creative arts and design, engineering and manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality and events, information technology, leisure and tourism, property and construction, retail and sales, social care, education, transport and logistics, Hunt has it all.
Perfect for students, school leavers, over 55s and those with special skill-sets too, Hunt aims to target people with something to offer, be that a passion for your new career or years of hard-earned experience.
Be paid what you’re really worth. Bosses spend less time and money to find you, which translates into better wages and more work. Add awesome new skills to your resume while being Hunted by the best bosses in business. We have it all here in the HuntApp.
What is Hunt?
Hunt is a employment application where employers and employees connect via AI (Artificial Intelligence) and intuitive machine learning matchmaking technology, which will redefine how recruitment operations occur in the 21st century.
Hunt was conceived in July 2018. A process was needed to bridge the void in the hiring process created by time-wasting resume reading and screening. Hunt allows employers to select precise demographic parameters for employees, instead of resorting to the laborious processing of resumes and cover letters manually, or through equally inconsistent applicant tracking systems.
Employers are now assured of a short-list guaranteed to fulfil every single criteria before the interviews start. There’s no need to outsource most of your employment application processes to recruiters and HR agencies. Time and money is saved by employers and employees, sleekly streamlining hiring operations. Hunt has grown into a complete end-to-end intuitive employment platform unlike any other: we have no rivals.
Results presented to employers are a combination of analysing their needs relative to candidate skills, demographics, locale and availability. See up to five top-ranked candidate profiles at a time, complete with photos and work history videos as your best-match shortlist.
Results presented to employees are a combination of analysing their skill-sets, personality, video resumes, locality and availability, relative to their suitability for nearby employment.
Employers won’t ever remain without reliable candidates, and employees need never go without work options again. HuntApp is the perfect win-win situation for everyone.
What Makes Hunt Unique?
Hunt uses the latest in revolutionary AI machine matchmaking algorithms that are constantly learning, evolving and updating in real time. Hunt provides photos and video resumes ranked in a best-match shortlist. See the best-suited employment seekers first, and the rest later. Hunt allows for information exchange in real-time. Don’t wait for emails to go back and forth. Speak today; start tomorrow. Smart search filters based on candidate location, demographics, availability and personality type work together, creating a seamless employment search process. Word-recognition data analysed from candidate video resumes enables us to further refine our proprietary AI matchmaking technology. Candidates can be matched based upon their personality type, ready to thrive within your company culture. Reducing staff turnover is great for morale, productivity and the HR budget.